Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Book Club #2 Synthesis Page


(Symbolism- Synthesis Page)

Introduction- The Book Thief is about a girl named Liesel Memminger, and about her life in the holocaust. The story is narrated by Death, the person who takes the souls the dead and sees that they are taken safely. Now in the time of war, Death has much work to do, but is compelled to see who Liesel is. After taking the life of her brother, Death follows Liesel around. 
Liesel lives with her foster family, Hans and Rosa Hubermann, who are nearly poor but loves Liesel dearly. As Liesel lives with the Hubermanns, she developed an interest to read and prove to her teachers at school that she isn't dumb, but also wants to read for the joy of it. Hans Hubermann ends up teaching Liesel while playing his infamous accordion, and soon enough Liesel is able to read on her own. Liesel knows she can't afford to buy her own books or for that matter the Hubermanns, so Liesel results to stealing books, thus the name The Book Thief. 
  As Liesel continues to steal and read, the world around her trembles at Hitler's touch. To make matters worse, the Hubermanns take in and hide a Jew named Max, throwing Liesel and her family into danger for going against Hitler, but the strong bond they make with Max, makes them defy the consequences and inevitable. Will the book thief get away with her stealing and the Jew, or will she be collected by Death? 

Symbol- Reading

Thesis- "Reading" in The Book Thief is a symbol for calmness and peace. 

Evidence #1- Max gets very sick that he goes unconscious for a several weeks, and making the Hubermanns and Liesel frightened for his life. On page 323, the book states: "All day at school, she had promised herself that she would finish reading the book today, and Max Vanderburg was going to listen. He was going to wake up." In this moment, Liesel feels strongly that reading will bring Max to consciousness. She believes reading has the power to help Max. 

Evidence #2- During an air raid, Liesel and the Hubermanns, and a couple of other families rush to the basement of  family's and all squish in together. On page 380-381, the book states: "Even from the cellar, they could vaguely hear the tune of bombs. Air pressure shoved itself down like a ceiling, as if to mash the earth. A bite was taken of Molching's empty streets... The sound of crying children kicked and punched... Arms and elbows fought for room. Some of the adults tried to calm the infants. Others were unsuccessful in calming themselves down... Liesel opened one of her books and began to read... By page 3, everyone was silent but Liesel... everyone envisioned the story... forgetting the bombs." In this moment, Liesel uses reading to calm the chaos and everyone is relieved to be able to forget about the mess in their lives, even if only for a few moments.

Conclusion- Overall, reading is an essential part of The Book Thief. It is a symbol for peace and hope and keeps the story evolving. Liesel relies on reading to get past her problems and continues to read to face the incoming problems.
          Reading in general is an enjoyable thing for me to do. I'm happy when I hold a book and can spend hours reading. I always thought being able to read is a necessity in life in order to have a bright future. Reading could also be something for fun. But after reading the book thief, I see reading in a different way. Reading brings people the little happiness they can get. They use reading to help themselves get through life. I wonder, if Liesel never became the book thief, what would she do without her reading?
          From reading this book, I've learned that things that seem little to us, may be a greater thing for others. Liesel uses reading to get through life and her problems, while I use it as entertainment.